Monday, October 20, 2008


I should totally just delete this blog, I never post, but I won't just yet. Maybe someday when the kid is older I will post. Or, I will post when we are in Japan, so I won't have to keep retelling the same stories. Anyway, we will see.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Life Changes

Last week was a big week. We went home to see our families for a week, then I drove back to PA, and Ben boarded a plane for Quantico. He started US Marine Officer Candidate School (OCS) on Sunday, so he flew out of Wichita Saturday morning. While that is very exciting, and I had an unpleasant rest area adventure, that isn't the big news. The Big News is that I am finally pregnant!!!
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I haven't been on birth control May of 2006, so it was a long time coming. After 4 rounds of Clomid, temping, and lots of emotion, I got the second line. :) Even better, I was able to tell Ben before he started OCS. I got my first round of blood-work results today, and my HcG levels were nice and high. I get more blood drawn today to confirm that they are doubling every 2 days like they should. I have an initial belly shot, so you can see my pre-baby belly. I think it looks like I'm already a couple of months, but that's just because I can't get rid of it. LOL. Maybe someday. I will post that picture as soon as I can get the camera and computer to talk to each other again.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy B-day to me.

So it's my 26th birthday today. I suppose I am starting to feel old, but not really. I know I would feel more like an adult if I had a baby in my arms. Ben and I are still trying to make that happen. Only, since he is joining the Marines before the end of the month, it better happen soon! I have to get ready for dinner now though.